Quality assurance system
Statement of Quality Policy
It is our general goal in the long run to achieve with our activities the appreciation of our customers and that the name of our company is as well a guarantee for those who use our services.
It is our purpose that our company takes a market-leading role in Hungary in the heat treatment under vacuum of high-alloy steel.
We know that the fulfilment of our objectives, the continuous increasing of the satisfaction of our customers can be achieved only by putting quality into the centre.
To achieve this:
- We operate a process-oriented effective quality control system fulfilling the standard MSZ EN ISO 9001: 2009.
- The leadership and the co-workers of the company are committed to secure the satisfaction of our present and future customers by the flawless and competitive execution of the orders.
- We consider it to be our responsibility to shape mutually favourable relationships with our customers.
- In order to have the full satisfaction of our customers we are committed to continuously develop our activities.
- We secure the raising of our quality ability by realizing the short and long term quality goals based on our quality policy with continuous improvement based on satisfaction which is achieved with awareness training and prevention measurements.

We know that the pragmatic realization of our quality policy can only be achieved with the commitment and personal example of the leadership with the full scale involvement of the co-workers.
The leadership expects that every co-worker contributes on his place to the practical implementation of the quality policy.
Kincsesbánya, 10.06.2009.
Our valid certification can be found under the “Documentums page” in a downloadable form.
Phone plant: +36-22-418-485
Phone administration: +36-22-584-042
Site: Kincsesbánya Ipartelep
Postal address: H-8044 Kincsesbánya, Ipartelep u. 4.