Hőkezelés és kérgesítés Kincsesbányán!

Vákuum Hőkezelő Kft.

Our Company

If You have any question, please contact us!

Tekintse meg weblapunkat és a céget bemutató kisfilmünket!

Társaságunk acél és egyéb fém alkatrészek hőkezelésével (nemesítés, lágyítás, feszültségcsökkentés, normalizálás, stb.) és kérgesítésével (cementálás, nitridálás) foglalkozik.

Today we already have 19 modern heat-treatment devices at our disposal, by the help of which we can solve a broad spectrum of heat-treatment tasks.

Our work is aided by an up to date production management system and a quality control audited according to the standard ISO 9001.

We have the experience of many decades of our colleagues at our disposal for you to be sure that our cooperation will be successful.

short movie introducing

Our company

Vákuum Hőkezelő Kft.
Since 2009
  • It is our general goal in the long run to achieve with our activities the appreciation of our customers and that the name of our company is as well a guarantee for those who use our services.
  • It is our purpose that our company takes a market-leading role in Hungary in the heat treatment under vacuum of high-alloy steel.
  • We know that the fulfilment of our objectives, the continuous increasing of the satisfaction of our customers can be achieved only by putting quality into the centre.

Scope of activity









Új technológiák bevezetése


Hatékony minőségirányítás


  • Heat treatment under vakuum
  • Heat treatment under protective gas
  • Carborising
  • Nitridation
  • Stressrelieving


  • Vakuum heat treatment furnaces
  • Protective Gas furnaces
  • Carborising furnaces
  • Nitridating ovens
  • Atmospheric furnaces

Quality assurance

  • Quality assurance system
  • Hardness measurement and equipments
  • Material testing and equipments

Phone plant: +36-22-418-485

 Phone administration: +36-22-584-042

Site: Kincsesbánya Ipartelep

Postal address:  H-8044 Kincsesbánya, Ipartelep u. 4.