Hardness measurement and equipments
The heat treated parts are checked after every heat treating step.
The measurement of the hardness can be achieved in Brinnel- Vickers- or Rockwell depending of the size of the part and the applied heat treaty process.
Amennyiben az alkatrészeken egyéb vizsgálatot is el kell végezni (rétegvastagság mérése, keménység lefutás, stb.), azt egy akkreditált laborban tudjuk elvégeztetni.
We have our hardness measuring equipment checked by a professional service, we calibrate them yearly, resp. we check them daily at shift-start with a master-gauge.

Phone plant: +36-22-418-485
Phone administration: +36-22-584-042
Site: Kincsesbánya Ipartelep
Postal address: H-8044 Kincsesbánya, Ipartelep u. 4.