During cementation we enrich the carbon content of the surface of the low-carbon steel.
During the process we heat up the steel in a medium containing carbon. The carbon diffuses into the surface of the part raising its carbon content. The size and carbon content of this coal-rich layer depends from the steel quality and the circumstances of the cementation.
The cementing media may be solid, gaseous or fluid. We do the cementation in gas but cementing of smaller parts can be done in cementing carbon as well.
The gas needed for the cementation is made from methanol, the exact regulation of the gas-composition is made with propane resp. with air. By knowing the temperature and the composition of the cementing gas we can determine the cementation time needed to the required depth of chill.
Az alkatrészeket legtöbbször kemencéből edzük ki (direktedzés), de lehetőség van az alkatrészeket semleges gázban lehűlni hagyni, így elkerülve a széntelenedést és a revésedést.
Advantages of gas-cementation:
- fast
- clean
- balanced quality
- reproducable
Általánosan használt kéregvastagság 0,8 mm, de speciális esetben ez akár 2 mm is lehet.
Phone plant: +36-22-418-485
Phone administration: +36-22-584-042
Site: Kincsesbánya Ipartelep
Postal address: H-8044 Kincsesbánya, Ipartelep u. 4.